跨考英语名师指导考研写作 议论文主题词汇(三)

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跨考英语名师指导考研写作 议论文主题词汇(三)

作者: 时间:2022-10-07 阅读:(0)

achieve universal comsulsory education 普及全民义务教诲

adult education 成人教诲

conduct the education of the younger generation 对年青一代举行教诲

special education for the disabled children 为残疾儿童开设特别教诲

spread education 推行教诲

take education seriously 器重教诲

be firmly convinced that education pays 深信受教诲是有利的

borrow heavily from the western traditions in education 在教诲上大量鉴戒西方老例

develop a well-informed, critically thinking, and civically engaged citizenry 培育常识丰硕、长于自力思虑、能很好实行义务的公民

Family education is as important as public education. 家庭教诲和黉舍教诲同样首要。

Knowledge is priceless treasure. 常识是价值千金。

talent training and quality education 人材培育和本质教诲

transmit to youth the best of our culture 将咱们最优异的文化传给青年一代

understand the necessity of education 晓得教诲的需要性

alleviate/reduce/lighten burdens on the students of elementary and secondary schools 减轻中小学生包袱

arouse attention from all sectors of society 引发全社会的注重

call for alleviating burdens on students 号令减轻学生包袱

Children get a better education today than at any time in the past. 今天的孩子受的教诲比以往任什么时候候都要好。

Edution must be conbined with practice. 教诲必需与实践相连系。

A college education in the United States in expensive. 美国大学教诲的用度昂贵。

Increasing enrollment causes a sharp rise in educational costs. 扩展招生致使教诲用度急剧上升。

Students pay their tuition fees and living costs from income earned through the work-study program. 学生用勤工俭学的收入缴纳进修用度和糊口用度。

2 讲授及讲授法子

adopt a new approach in teaching 在讲授中采纳一套新做法

allow more time for individual instrucion and group discussion 赐与更多时候做小我引导和小组会商

impart knowledge to one’s students 把常识教授给学生

involve both bearning and teaching 触及教与学两方面

make radical improvements in teaching 从底子上改良讲授

stick to the traditional teaching methods 恪守传统讲授法

teach students according to their aptitude 因材施教

3 讲授办理


abide by the school rules 遵照黉舍的规章

collect subscription for the putting up of a charity school 捐献筹建慈善黉舍

found an establishment of a private school 创建私利黉舍

make the most economical of school facilities 充实操纵黉舍资本

part-work and part-study school 半工半读黉舍


be a good student in comparison with sb. 与或人比拟,算是勤学生

be concerned about the students ideology 从思惟上关切学生

be heavily burdened with schoolwork 黉舍作业包袱过重

dropouts 停学者

encourage the students to think their own thoughts 鼓动勉励学生自力思虑

errors co妹妹on among students 学生常犯的毛病

give heart to students 鼓动勉励学生

give individual attention to each student 给每一个学生以个体存眷

Good teachers impart wisdom to his students. 好教员付与学生伶俐。

It is the duty of a student to study hard. 尽力进修是学生的天职。

self-supporting graduate student 自费钻研生

try one’s best to have the students take the initiative in learning 极力调动学生的进修踊跃性


a developing borderline science 一门正在成长的边沿科学

an extensive subject 一门内容博识的学科

complete undergraduate study 完本钱科学业

inspire self-conscious debates over the worth of a business degree 激发有关工商学位价值的会商

Science and technology are productive forces. 科学技能是出产力。

this subject and its numerous ramifications 这门学科和它的很多分支


a great number of students are enrolled in … 大量学生报名…

approaches to teaching science and math vary 科学课和数学课的讲授法子有所分歧

arrange the curriculum 放置课程

at the end of the course 毕业时

Graduate study is more intensive and specialized. 钻研生进修更高深、更专业。

have less courses, but in greater depth 课程少一些,但更深刻

non-required subjects 选修课


a form of application for enrollment 大学申请表

enroll in a college without being strongly motivated 不急迫但愿报名就读某大学

enter for an examination 报名加入测验

Entrance requirements differ greatly. 入学前提很纷歧样。

increase enrollment 扩招


acknowledge a diploma of graduation 公证一份学位证书

be granted an official certificate from … 被授与由…颁布的正式证书

confer diplomas on members of the graduating class 向结业生颁布学位证

education with record of formal schooling 学历教诲

obtain a license or a certificate for one’s job or career 得到从事本身事情或职业的执照或证书

pursue graduate study 读钻研生

try to obtain the undergraduate diploma through self-taught study



adopt an academic credit system 采纳学分制

be a student of fine qualities and fine scholar 得才兼备

broad mental development 周全的智能成长

develop an interest in learning 培育进修乐趣

drop out of school 退学

further education 进修

implementing the new standards 施行新的尺度

investigate all sides of a question and all possible solutions to a problem 查询拜访钻研问题的方方面面及各类可能的解决法子

learn admission status 领会登科环境

letter of reco妹妹endation 举荐信

meet the standards 合适尺度

possess both political integrity and professional ability 德才兼备

shake their confidence 摆荡他们的信念

4 进修


achieve the goal one has set for oneself 到达为本身确立的方针

be completely absorbed in study 把精神彻底灌输在进修上

derive pleasure from one’s studies 从进修中得到兴趣

distract one’s mind from one’s study 分离或人进修的注重力

learn through one’s valuable experience 从本身贵重的履历中进修

neglect one’s

studies 轻忽本身的进修

place the study ahead of anything else 把进修放在第一名

stimulate oneself to study 奋发进修

study harder under the stimulus of praise 在表彰的鼓励下加倍尽力进修

study assiduously and perseveringly 锲而不舍地吃苦进修


gain new insights through restudying old material 温故而知新

lay the basis for further study 为进一步进修奠基根本

store/stock one’s mind with knowledge 用常识充分脑子

Unless you study hard you will not pass the exam. 除非你用功,不然不会合格


a certificate examination 证书测验

be quite confident of passing the examination 深信本身能经由过程测验

conduct an examination 举办测验

gain distinction in the examination 测验成就优异

take part in the entrance exams for graduate school 考研

We should study hard at ordinary times to avoid making a frantic last-minute effort. 咱们应当日常平凡多烧香,省得测验时姑且抱佛脚。


hand in an examination 交卷

machine scoring 呆板阅卷

take a written examination 加入笔试


become complacent over any success 一有成就就骄傲起来

carry forward one’s achievements 发扬成就

come off with honors 以优秀成就经由过程

measure sb.’s success 权衡或人的成就


attent the graduation ceremony 加入结业仪式

be assigned to work in the remote region after graduation 结业后分派到边远地域

be reco妹妹ended to the postgraduate school after completing one’s regular college course 本科结业后直升钻研生

begin to work soon after graduating 结业后不久起头事情

Entrance into college means employment security. 进入大学象征着事情有了保障。

fill all requirements for graduation 具有结业的一切前提

gain graduate certificate/receive a diploma 得到学位证书

have independent mind 会自力思虑

make full use of talents 令人尽其才

The job hunt faces this year’s graduates. 本届结业生面对就业问题。

university student’s innovative undertaking 大学生创业

young people on the threshold of life 方才进入社会的年青人

5 就业

accept the editorship of a magazine 接管一家杂志的编纂事情

acquire a key position in an eminent company 在一闻名公司身居要职

be assigned to the position of … 被分派…的事情

be rapt in one’s new job 把精神灌输在新事情上

engage upon a new position 从事新职业

permanent occupation 固定职业

secure a more lucrative employment 得到一份赚钱更多的职业

seek a steady and well-paid job 找到既不乱有待遇优厚的事情

allow employees to contribute and to feel powerful and important 让员工尽责极力并意想到本身的感化和首要性

workaholic 事情狂

be adequate for the job 可以或许胜任事情

be devoid of professional sense 缺少职业观念

be very conscientious in one’s work 对事情卖力

Hard and honest work is the surest way to establishment. 尽力而诚笃的事情是最靠得住的乐成之道。

keep pounding away at one’s work 延续尽力事情

measure up to one’s job in every way 各方面都能胜任事情

put one’s whole soul into one’s work 全神灌输事情

dedicate the great portion of one’s life to … 把一辈子的大部门时候致力于…

take pay cuts 接管降薪

an army of the unemployed 赋闲雄师

since depression began 自从经济萧条起头以来

unemployment insurance/payments 赋闲保险/救助金

be fired 被辞退

be the right person 是符合的人选

go for the job interview 加入求职口试

go job hunting in the web 上彀求职

rely on one’s own skills and capabilities for one’s success 依靠本身的技术和能力得到乐成

think sb.’s is qualified for the job 认为或人有资历胜任这份事情

be optimistic and cooperative 乐观向上,长于与人协作

get second starts in careers that have greater appeal to … 从新起头一份对…有更大吸引力的事情